Digital Student Conference: Case Studies in Economic Criticism
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In this two-day conference, BA and MA students from the TU Dortmund and the University of Innsbruck will present and discuss their research projects on Economic Criticism. Students closely engaged with this emerging field during the summer semester 2022. The conference is the result of the collaboration between the courses 154522 Economic Criticism held by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerold Sedlmayr at the TU Dortmund (British Cultural Studies) and 609252 VU Current Research Perspectives, Theories and Methods: Economic Criticism held by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothee Birke at the University of Innsbruck (Department of English).
For the conference programme, please see the poster.
The event is open to members of the interested public. Please email florian.dambachertu-dortmundde if you wish to attend the conference.
For more information on the DFG Research Network “Methodologies of Economic Criticism”, please click here.